NIMR Celebrates 20th Anniversary as Leading Military Vehicle Manufacturer

23.12.2020 UAE
NIMR Celebrates 20th Anniversary as Leading Military Vehicle Manufacturer

NIMR Celebrates 20th Anniversary as Leading Military Vehicle Manufacturer

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NIMR, the leading manufacturer of combat-proven wheeled military vehicles, marked its 20th anniversary milestone in serving the defense sector in the UAE and beyond. Following extensive investments in building battle-proven platforms, NIMR is widely recognized as the foremost manufacturer of armored vehicles in its class, and offers end-to-end solutions including mission system integration and logistics support.

NIMR commenced operations in the year 2000 with its first vehicle, NIMR1. Since then, thecompany has delivered thousands of vehicles to regional and international clients. Over the past20 years, NIMR’s business has grown from strength to strength, with its vehicles building areputation for their versatility, ruggedness and exceptional performance in some of the world’sharshest environments. Highly customizable, NIMR platforms are renowned for their plug-and-play electronic architecture that allows for seamless integration of multiple weapons and missionsystems.

Today, NIMR has a portfolio of 20+ mission-proven military vehicles capable of addressing themost demanding duty-cycle requirements across complex mission-critical scenarios and has thelargest facility among similar military vehicle manufacturers in the region. Over the years, NIMRhas successfully grown its global footprint through joint ventures and partnerships with defenseoperators in countries including Algeria and the Visegrád Group of nations (Czech Republic,Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia).

In its milestone 20th year, NIMR is excited to have a very healthy order pipeline to enable it tosustain and grow well into the future. The company is currently preparing to roll out secondgeneration of its product portfolio that will reinforce its sophisticated technical and engineeringcapabilities.

Dr. Fahad Al Yafei, President – EDGE Platforms & Systems, said, “NIMR’s story is one offocused ambition and progress. We are proud to witness the company’s surge from a small,homegrown enterprise to the highly competitive and globally recognized armored vehiclemanufacturer it is today. Through relying on its passion and determination to succeed, thecompany has pioneered many firsts in the region over 20 eventful years. We now have oursights set firmly on the next 20 years of growth.”

Abraham Du Plessis, Chief Executive Officer of NIMR, said: “NIMR has always sought solutionsthat differentiate its value proposition to stay ahead of the curve and we are pleased and proudto celebrate this milestone. We owe our success to the competencies and skills of our peopleand will continue to leverage these to ensure our offerings remain innovative and differentiated.We also reiterate our commitment to complying with the highest standards in design andmanufacturing to ensure protection and mobility. Only through doing so can we deepen ourglobal synergies as we continue to expand.”

NIMR vehicles are recognized for theirbattle-tested versatility, ruggedness and performance, and are built at state-of-the-art facilities in compliance withinternational military standards. NIMR vehicles are designed to meet the most demanding duty cycle requirement foroff-road performance and its specialist applications provide market-leading vehicle mobility, crew safety and reliabilityover life in-service. The company’s extensive testing regimen gives soldiers the confidence they require during themost grueling missions, under highly demanding conditions.

EDGE is an advanced technology group that develops disruptive solutions for defense and beyond. Solving real world challenges, it is dedicated to bringing innovative technologies and services to market with greater speed and efficiency. Consolidating over 25 entities and employing more than 12,000 brilliant minds, EDGE offers expertise in five core clusters: Platforms & Systems, Missiles & Weapons, Cyber Defense, Electronic Warfare & Intelligence and Mission Support. Today, EDGE is reimagining capabilities through technology leadership with research and development at its core.


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